The Best Investment You Can Splurge on This Year? A New Mattress!

Sleep is a necessary component of our everyday lives.
Without enough sleep, we can get moody, anxious or depressed, our bodies aren’t
able to heal as effectively, we are more susceptible to illnesses and our
health, as a whole, declines.

To protect our sleep, and by extension, our bodies, we need
to have the right sleeping environment. And one key aspect of our sleep tends
to go overlooked: the mattress. The type and age of the mattress you have can
play a major role in how well you sleep each night. If you have an old
mattress, 2019 might be a good year to invest in a new one.

Why you should get a new mattress

Many people simply forget about the need to replace their
mattress because it remains functional over time. Unless you’re constantly
looking at stains, rips or holes in your mattress, you might think it’s
perfectly fine. However, mattresses are not designed to last forever. In fact,
they should only be kept around for a maximum of 10 years.

If you’ve had your mattress for around a decade, it is
definitely time for an upgrade, no matter how useable you think it still is.
Old mattresses can get dirty, worn, saggy and downright uncomfortable.

All of these problems eventually start to disrupt your sleep
faster than you’d think—you may not feel comfortable at night, so you toss and
turn until you can fall asleep. Or, you might start developing back pain
because your worn-down mattress doesn’t offer the right kind of support anymore.

By buying a new mattress, you’re not just making a monetary
investment in a staple piece of furniture for your home. You’re also investing
in your health, your mental wellbeing and your happiness.

How to pick a new mattress

Picking a mattress is not always as easy as it seems. Most
people aren’t aware of the different types of mattresses or which one is best
for them.

Before you head out to purchase a new mattress, consider
your body type, how you sleep most comfortably and if you have any health conditions
that could factor into how you sleep (such as arthritis, chronic back pain or

Many mattress providers offer online quizzes to determine
which kind of mattress is right for you. Try some of these out before you go
shopping to narrow down the type of mattress you need. Then, head to a
reputable mattress store where a knowledgeable employee can answer your

At the store, don’t be afraid to test out the mattress. Lay
down on the mattress how you normally would and gauge how comfortable you feel.
It’s best to try laying there for around 10 minutes and change positions. All
of these in-store tests should help you find the perfect mattress that can
deliver an amazing night’s sleep.

More tips for getting a great night’s sleep

Your mattress is a key factor in how well you sleep, but
it’s not the only factor. Numerous
other aspects of your sleep routines should be addressed when you buy a new
mattress to ensure you’re getting good
all around.

  • Turn devices off before bed: Studies show that the blue light emitted from electronic devices like cell phones, computers and even TVs can have a harmful effect on sleep. They prevent melatonin production, which influences your body to get ready to sleep. To help maintain a good sleep schedule, try to not use electronic devices 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime.
  • Avoid post-lunch caffeine: Most of us need a cup of coffee or two in the morning to get us ready for the day, but if your caffeine-drinking habits are spilling over into the afternoon, it could be altering your sleep patterns. Caffeine can stay in the blood for over 5 hours, meaning you shouldn’t be having any after 3 p.m.
  • Make your bedroom a sanctuary: In addition to a new mattress, the right sleeping environment can have an effect on your Z’s. Make sure to turn off or block out light, reduce noise or use a white noise machine and turn the temperature down a few degrees. A cool, dark and quiet environment has been shown to optimize sleep.
  • Manage stress: Intense stress or anxiety can leave you tossing and turning, unable to switch off your brain for the night. By taking steps to manage your stress during the day, you should be able to sleep better at night. Read a book, take a long, hot shower or do 20 minutes of yoga before bed to relax and get yourself in the right frame of mind for slumber.

With a new mattress on your bed and healthy sleep
habits incorporated into your daily life, you should expect to get the best
sleep of your life in 2019.

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