Natural Makeup Choices
There are many different choices when it comes to choosing a natural makeup. Here are a few tips to help you make the best decision, including information about the chemicals that are commonly utilized in traditional makeup that can actually harm the skin, as well as some information pertaining to companies that claim to specialize in natural makeup choices.
Unsafe Chemicals Used in Makeup
There are many unsafe chemicals that are used in makeup that is sold over the counter. It is important to understand that the skin is the protective layer to who we are. It is a complex tissue system that we should work to protect. Many do not realize it, but it has the capability to actually absorb the chemicals that are placed on it. Do you realize that when your skin absorbs these chemicals that they go directly into the bloodstream? It has been estimated by medical professionals that at least 60% of the chemicals that are absorbed into the skin from the products that we use enter into the body's circulatory system.
There are many examples of chemicals that are placed into cosmetics that are then sold over the counter today. Besides the fact that many types of makeup contain aluminum and formaldehydes, there are many other chemicals that can wreck havoc on the skin as well as the body as a whole. These chemicals include, but are not limited to, the following:
Artificial Based Colors
Dibutyl Phthalate
Isopropyl Alcohol
Another commonly used and potentially harmful chemical is formaldehyde, which is usually found in eye shadows, mascaras and nail polishes. The National Toxicology Program's "Ninth Report on Carcinogens", released in January, 2001, stated that formaldehyde is "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen". Even the Environmental Protection Agency classifies formaldehyde as a probable human carcinogen. In liquid form, formaldehyde can quickly be absorbed into the body through a person's skin and nails.
Companies That Promote Natural Makeup
You may be surprised to learn that most companies that promote natural makeup do not offer a product that is completely free and clear from chemicals that have been proven to damage the skin, as well as the body. Many cosmetics that are said to be natural typically contain one or more ingredient that is not considered to be natural at all. Then, there are cosmetics that are natural and contain natural products, but the natural ingredients have been known to cause complications with the skin. Examples of natural items that may damage the skin in one way or another includes extracts from almonds, basil products, cinnamon, grapefruit, lemon, rose, and even wintergreen. If you want to purchase items that are considered to be natural makeup choices, it is essential to ensure that these types of natural products are completely avoided wherever possible.
Finding Natural Makeup Choices
When beginning your search for the perfect natural makeup choice, you will want to focus on makeup that is considered to be organically based. This means that they do not implement the use of fillers that are considered to be synthetic, nor do they have any type of preservative. They should also not contain any type of metal either. In addition to this, it is important to ensure that they do not contain any type of artificial dyes. In addition to market choices in organic natural makeup options, it is important to understand that there are certain steps that you can take in order to reduce the need to even wear makeup in the first place. These include:
Cleaning the skin with purified, hot water
Avoiding shampoos, conditioners, and facial cleansers that contain harmful chemicals and products
Indulging in an organic diet full of vegetables and fruits
If you follow the above three steps, you will find that your face is clear, beautiful, and glows naturally - therefore reducing your need to shop for natural makeup choices!
Cruelty Free Makeup
Another choice in eco-friendly and natural makeup is to ensure that the company from which you are buying your makeup from, does not conduct animal testing of its products during any phase of the products development, either by the company itself, or their laboratories, or suppliers.
To ensure that your makeup is cruelty-free look for the Leaping Bunny Logo on the products, by the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics.
Photo Credit: dreamglow
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