Congratulations, Scooter! You've Won Testimonial of the Month!

Every month we receive so many amazing letters here at NaturalWellbeing! We are thrilled that you take the time to share your exciting stories with us, about how our products have changed your life.

Each month, your testimonials are entered into a random draw and a prize winner is hand-drawn. The winning testimonial is posted here, by me, and the writer receives via email an online Gift Certificate for use on NaturalWellbeing's site!

A big thank-you to this month's winner, Scooter from Birmingham, AL!

Scooter writes:

"I was concerned this would be just another useless purchase, but it wasn't. My hair loss was so extreme I had to wear extentions. I was on a blood pressure medicine that had a side effect of hair loss. I switched medicines and went on Hair Essentials. I then took a leap of faith and cut my hair very sort to start over. Well I love the short cut and my hair is now much thicker and there is new growth all over. My stylist can't believe the difference! I have to get my hair cut every month becasue it grows so fast. I have been on the Hair Essentials for only 2 months and it has made such a perfound impact in my appearence. Thank you for a great product!"

Congratulations, Scooter! And happy shopping!

Love, Sage

Would you like a chance to win a NaturalWellbeing Gift Certificate? Send your testimonial to , and I'll enter you! Monthly winner will be posted here by me, and contacted by email.

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