Natural Remedies To Help With Hair Loss
Aromatherapy and Massage
Aromatherapy techniques have been used for centuries for a wide variety of illnesses and one particular condition that these methods work well for is hair loss. Massaging the scalp can help to stimulate more blood flow to the scalp which in turn helps produce new hair growth. There are a number of products on the market that you can use to do massages or you can go with manual massage techniques to help stimulate the scalp.
You can also you aromatherapy with the massage techniques to make things work even better. A good combination to try would be 6 drops of bay essential oil and 6 drops of lavender oil mixed in a base of an oil such as sesame or soybean oil. It is best to let this mixture sit on the scalp for at least 20 minutes for the maximum benefit.
Herbal Supplements
If you suffer with hair loss problems then you may want to look into natural hair loss remedies. Many times these treatments can be used in conjunction with any treatments that are prescribed by your doctor. There are many herbal supplements that are good to use to help promote hair growth. It is important to be sure that you are not allergic to certain herbs before trying anything new. Some herbs that have been known to produce good results are:
Jojoba Oil
For those people who suffer from eczema, seborrhea, psoriasis and/or dandruff, Jojoba Oil might just be what you need! People who are from Mexico as well as southwestern Native Americans have incorporated Jojoba Oil into their traditional medicinal treatments to eradicate dandruff and eczema and help their hair grow faster and healthier. It is a great moisturizer that imitates the scalp's own sebum, as well as being good for use on hypoallergenic skin.
Sage and Rosemary
When used together, these herbs can provide plenty of healthy hair benefits when used as a rinse. The best way to do this is to use the rosemary and sage, along with nettle, burdock and peach leaf and boil them all together. Once boiled, you can then strain the loose herbs and discard them. The remaining liquid can be used to rinse through the hair on a daily basis.
Saw Palmetto Extract
Scientists have documented that there is a correlation between hair loss in men and the prostate. This is where Saw Palmetto Extract comes into play. It appears that the continued use of Saw Palmetto Extract has proven to work in fighting benign prostatic disease by lowering levels of DHT.
DHT stands for Dihydrotestosterone, which causes androgenetic alopecia. DHT is the ensuing result of the testosterone hormone coming into contact with the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which is commonly found in the skin and on the scalp.
Nettle Root Extract
Rich in lipids, numerous key minerals, and both A and C vitamins, Nettle Root Extract can be quite beneficial to the health of the hair.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera plants work well for healthy hair as well as hair growth. It has been used for centuries by Native Americans for various ailments including burns but many people are not aware of the hair benefits that it provides as well. It can help to heal the scalp as well as to prevent hair loss and it comes in many forms for you to use ranging from gels to supplements and it can be used with different products to make a nice rinse for the hair to help balance out the pH level.
Hair Essentials
If taking all those different herbal supplements seems a bit daunting, you can try taking Hair Essentials instead. It is an all natural, herbal remedy with Saw Palmetto, Polygoni Muliflori, Fructus Psoraleae, and Ecliptae Prostratae making up its ingredients list. These ingredients have been proven to help improve circulation, promote better functioning of the liver and kidneys, as well as to prevent premature graying.
Hair Essentials can be bought directly from the Natural Wellbeing website.
Proper Hair Care
Other simple measures can be taken to help prevent hair loss. Such as not washing your hair in water that is too hot, or washing your hair only twice a week using a mild or specially formulated shampoo.
Photo Credit: mikebaird
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